Monday, May 28, 2018


 "El Jeep"

Hey guys!!!!! 

So there really isn't much to say this week. 

Elder Pieper is coming to our zone conference this change and I have a small interview with him after. 
We are finding prepared people. We tought a person and he told us he is going to be bishop some day. 
You might be wondering why I titled this as The Jeep but it will be a story for when I get home. 
At church this guy from Haiti talked and he was pretty much yelling haha but I loved the animo.. excitement. 
Just the same old same old here in mexico. 

Love you guys! Siempre Sonríen ;) 

Monday, May 21, 2018


Ojo gigante

Hey Fam and Friends! This week was pretty good. We started the transfer pretty good. We finally talked with those kids last week. They are super cool! The ward had an activity for Mother's day and the kids preformed. They danced. it was really good. 

If you guys are wanting to know why I put ojo gigante in the title it's because my eye got huge! haha I was in a district meeting and all of a sudden my eye hurt and itched so I went to the restroom and I saw that my eye was huge! super swollen. I don't know why but it happened. You'll see pics haha. 

This should be a really good change in the mission! the ward is super excited and we are hoping to improve this area. especially because the past 2 years the have not had success. 

Love and miss everyone! 
Siempre Sonríen :) 

Monday, May 14, 2018

Mother's Day - WEEK 90

Feliz Día de Madre!

Hey!! It was really awesome talking with you guys yesterday!! And also seeing the other videos of Hans' family! 

This might be a short email because I already talked with you guys yesterday. 

We talked With the one family that they want to baptize the 2 daughters and they are really excited to start going to church again and be baptized!! 

Today is the first day of transfers. I hope to start it off well!! I am still zone leader with Elder Fleming. The zone also got bigger because they added a new zone to mine haha. 

English classes are working better and we are finding more news that way. 

not much else to say haha. 

Love and miss you guys a lot!!!!!!!! 

Siempre Sonríen! :)  




Monday, May 7, 2018


Conferencia de zona


We had the zone conference this week. It was pretty good. Elder Fleming and I conducted and also we taught a class. 

We are planning an activity with the ward. They are getting a lot more excited about missionary work now so that is good! We have not taught those kids because the house where they live hate us haha but they did go to church again and we set up an appointment with them in another house. 

I have a weird story to tell you guys but maybe I'll just wait til Mother's Day haha. 

We are finding more people that want to be baptized so that is good! 
We have changes next week also but I'm pretty sure I'll stay here. 

I'll save everything else for Mother's Day. Sorry for the boring letter. 

Love all  of you guys!!!!!!!!! 
Sea feliz sea mormon